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- ----Rev. Ivan Stang----
- Part 3 of 3.
- In the "Normal" job world, The Conspiracy keeps you on the
- tightest leash possible. They would completely deprive you of
- freedom if they could, but, out of necessity, to keep you alive
- for another year, they grudgingly give you Sundays, sometimes
- Saturdays, sometimes a whole week out of your life for that
- minimum life-sustaining taste of false freedom. And what do the
- Normals do with the illusion of "freedom" the CON grudgingly
- rations out? Most folks mow their lawns, wash their cars, do
- errands or go to church(!). Somewhere along the line, they
- receive a pitiful modicum of false freedom, or else they would
- die. HOW MUCH freedom they receive is what the Conspiracy tries
- so hard to control. They want to ration it out to you, drop by
- drop, as with an eyedropper, so you'll always be at Their mercy,
- carrying out Their every evil whim.
- Their arbitrary "laws" extend unquestioned into every
- minuscule aspect of your private life. Every last vestige of
- freedom, even standing around doing nothing, is regulated.
- Notice that "loitering" isn't just illegal in restaurants and
- stores, but even on so called "public" sidewalks, parks,
- everywhere. You've got to keep moving. For that matter, you can
- be thrown in jail for "vagrancy," the inability to produce
- official identification or money. We are not legal life forms
- without a shell of paper defending our bodies. The only place
- you can legally cease moving is in your own home.
- And what must you do to have one of these "homes" in which
- you can legally exist, and enjoy TV with which They brainwash
- you? Nothing much, merely spend the majority of your life
- working for Them...that is, after you've spent twelve to twenty
- years subjecting your mind to Their programming, digging yourself
- out from under mountains of irrelevant information that has
- nothing to do with the "real" life They have planned for you.
- Turning wild animals into manageable slave units is not
- easy. Children must be institutionalized and forced into totally
- unnatural practices such as sitting in stationary positions for
- hours, reacting to bells, stifling curiosity, kissing authority's ass, ect.
- Upon adolescence the Conspiracy rips out the original mind and installs
- glitch filled software, obsolete before the season's out. The individual is
- sucked deeper and deeper into the abstract universe of symbols,
- now indistinguishable from reality. The institutionalized
- techno-society point of view is further enforced as those who act
- differently are ostracized or beaten by their "peers." Is it any
- surprise that those who don't want to work for the company, get
- married, and breed a new litter of future employees, are
- considered AIDS-sneezing sodomites or pet-molesting, baby-eating
- devil worshipers? Is it any surprise that some of them ARE?
- But at least it's equal servitude for everybody, regardless
- of gender. In the old days, women were the serf's slaves. But
- in our New World Age liberated society, women too have the
- opportunity to participate in their own futility. Once prevented
- form working, women are now prevented from not working.
- They listen to you through your telephone without its even
- being off the hook, and watch you from satellites that can peer
- down onto any street, anywhere. The only legal drugs are alcohol
- and tobbaco; reality-numbing tranquilizers. Most forms of sex are
- crimes. Exercise of instincts must be suppressed for Their
- system to work. No one who is Truly Free is really going to feel
- like saluting a flag or dying for God and Company.
- They kick in your door any time they want to. All they have
- to yell is "DRUGS!" and you and your spouse are in jail, your
- kids are farmed out to the state, your car and house are suddenly
- theirs. They can walk up to you anywhere today and say, "Excuse
- me, can we see your wallet, please? Hmm, you have a lot of cash
- here. We'll have to confiscate it - you fit the profile of
- someone who might be a drug dealer."
- The fake "war on drugs" is eroding every last bit of freedom
- we've managed to wring out of the sons-of-bitches since 1776.
- We've spent 200 years trying to make "We The People" include
- someone besides the white land-owning aristocracy, and now that
- we're finally beginning to do it, they're going over to the other
- end of the Constitution to tell us what rights we don't have.
- Everything that is not forbidden is proscribed.
- Nobody up there is a friend of yours. Nobody up there wants
- to see you get what you would call freedom. The purpose of
- "government" is to produce and maintain consumers and workers
- who will keep the cost of labor down, and the profits high for the owners.
- If you believe that any of the Janus faced jackasses running for
- office are going to do anything for you, if you think that even
- one of these "people" who claim to be on the side of liberty and
- freedom cares in the slightest what you want, then you have
- bought The Conspiracy line. And you didn't even have to go to
- room 101.
- -Dr. Silas Booth
- It is the time foretold, when people would be judged not by
- their works, nor by family, nor even by looks, but buy their
- urine. For this has become so crooked and perverse a nation,
- that your precious bodily fluids are no longer your own, and not
- even your bladder or bloodstream are private. There is no place
- where they may not watch.
- Where can you run,
- Where can you hide,
- When the man dressed in blue
- Is on the inside?
- The Conspiracy will not, cannot rest until it controls
- everything. They want to make sure that when The Dome goes up,
- they'll be on the inside and everybody else is out there. If
- they can't make us Normal, they'll make us HOMELESS. They'll
- work us and tax us until we're powerless bums and slaves, so poor
- and cowed that when they come to take away our kids we won't
- complain, but thank them.
- But NO, you say. This is all just TOO PARANOID, BITTER,
- MEAN and DEPRESSING!! There's more democracy and less tyranny in
- the world now than ever before!
- GET REAL. Sure, they can vote now in those Commie
- countries. But where has voting gotten us? Our "choices" are
- between two or three scapegoats to hurl garbage at. UNSEEN
- OTHERS make all the rules. Real governments don't want
- publicity. They've kept the rubes happy for centuries, simply by
- letting them "build the prisons for themselves."
- All presidents are only symbols, bar-coded Tarot-card
- chessmen in the Conspiracy's ceremonial Monopoly Gameboard Earth.
- Elections don't need to be fixed; they are FIXES for the hopeless
- who are all too willing to deceive themselves into getting a
- sense of "empowerment" by standing in line for hours to put a
- little checkmark on a dead piece of the Amazonian Rainforest.
- Some reptile shoves a card in front of your face: "Which vampire
- would you like to pay to suck your blood? Clone One, Clone One,
- or Clone One?" And you Pink Boys and Girls lecture about apathy!
- I repeat: They see us as MEAT - nobody gives a flightless FUCK
- what you think - and all those trees did die for nothing. Yes,
- you are free - free to be a consumption-gratified meat sack,
- sleepwalking malls coast to coast, reflexively seeking out the
- hide wrapped around another mobile hamburger.
- If you ask most people to name their religion, you'll get a
- LIE - it'll only be what they SAY they believe, lip service to
- invisible super-beings on the off-chance that some might actually
- exist. Their politics define what they actually DO. That's the
- filter through which they filter everything. When someone says
- they are a conservative or a liberal, that self-determination
- reveals far more than their professed "religion" about their
- world view and their perceived relationship to the Universe.
- Even so, there are no hard and fast rules. There are PLENTY
- of liberals who think like Nazis, and there actually exist
- conservatives who think like Jesus. Just look at how many
- Democrats could be convinced they were really Republicans after
- all, and voted for Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Count the bosses
- from both parties that are in jail for malfeasance, embezzlement,
- thievery, cronyism...and that's just for their business crimes.
- The "intelligence" community, of course, never, ever gets
- touched.
- What's the difference? Both parties bend over for their
- special interest groups. The Republican Party, once the most
- noble institution in the land, is now sold out to the country-
- club effete rich and superstitious religious fanatics. The
- Democratic Party, once the most noble institution in the land, is
- the fawning lap dog for the whining jerk-kneed, quivering under
- the table with it's tail between it's legs. Both have been
- broken under the Conspiracy wheel.
- My outlook is so much more extreme than either far left or
- far right that, to me, they might as well be identical. Both
- ideologies are JUST MORE RELIGION. Both might as well be Cargo
- Cultist's bowing down before department store dummies. I believe
- in freedom of religion, and Cargo Cultists are free to worship
- dummies if they wish. But between the "Politically Correct" on
- the one hand and the "Theologically Correct" on the other, we're
- being P.C.ed and J.C.ed until freedom is D.O.A.
- YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY, and you can't believe anything you
- read. It's LIES all the way down the line, starting with your
- first-grade history primer and leading up to this very sentence.
- All this ballyhoo about the God-fearing founding fathers, and how
- this nation is based on the Bible - !#!@!*! Those guys were all
- Masons and Deists working under the Sign of the ALL-SEEING EYE!
- Check out the back of the dollar bill.
- Funny how the people who holler for "less government" want
- even more government in the bedroom! They fulminate and
- demonstrate against abortion, sex, drugs, and birth control, but
- God forbid that big business be forced to stop pumping millions
- of tons of polychlorinated waste into the oceans, or belching
- poisonous smoke into the deteriorating atmosphere! No limits on
- business, only on pleasure. They have satellites that can read
- your license plates while birth control remains at a medieval
- level. Teen VD, AIDS and pregnancy skyrockets, and
- overpopulation threatens to negate any population...and yet the
- panic-stricken Pinks shriek, "But if we teach sex education in
- schools, it'll only give kids ideas!"
- Ingrained hypocrisy and double standards are the building
- blocks of the so called "conservative" lifestyle. As long as you
- don't show NIPPLES or POT SMOKING, and nobody CUSSES, you can
- call any kind of ultra-violence or demeaning pornography "family
- entertainment." Drinking beer and watching a girl in a wet T-
- shirt and a G-string rub her butt against a pole at one of those
- bars with a name like "HOOTERS"...that's GOOD CLEAN FUN, and you
- can bring the kids. Yet you can be thrown in jail for simply
- possessing an inanimate book, if it has the printed words or
- pictures that "go too far."
- But you watered-down so-called "liberals," you young soi-
- disant "Slackers" with your tie-dyes, Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts and
- bitchin' hairdos, you who think you're on our side, are even
- worse. The rest of the brain-dead idiots have an excuse. But
- YOU KNEW from the beginning what was happening, and yet you bent
- over HAPPILY, offering up your aerobicised buns to the
- Alternative Conspiracy, saying, "HERE! TAKE ALL YOU WANT! WIDEN
- IT TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT!" You sorry simps think you're so
- aware and radical while doing your best to conform to the norm
- defined by Normal non-conformity! You are your own worst
- nightmare: A DUMBASS. FACE IT: all this New-Age clap-trap means
- is, now when you shaft the next guy, you've got to have a smile
- on your face when you do it.
- At least conservatives always have that hilarious total
- assurance that they're right. Liberals indulge in too much
- mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy DOUBT before they sell you out. They
- always think, "Surly that other person is human, like me. Too
- bad we HAVE to KILL you." At least the conservatives have the
- good sense to WANT to KILL us.
- Well, I've HAD IT with these goody-two-shoes, politically
- correct, New Age, namby-pamby, hand-wringing do-gooders, who
- presume that THEIR brand of The Conspiracy would be ANY LESS
- HIDEOUS than that of the right wing fascists who've been
- running/ruining this country since the 63 coup. The conservative
- Glorps may be enslaved by greed and the dollar, but the
- Tragically Hip-Hop Wimps and P.C. Pinks are enslaved by
- bottomless guilt, and by pretending NOT to be enslaved by the
- arty dollar.
- The Trendy Liberal Con is the Unfashionable Conservative
- Con's slickest trick, a Black Hole that absorbs anything "cool"
- and "anti-conspiracy," anything revolutionary that may later
- become a threat, and then spits it back out as cutesy, watered-
- down trivia, mass-produced and mass-marketed, packaged to move,
- paraded as another triumph for the Culture Dish of the Universal
- Beehive - something any normal can enjoy when it gets tired of
- masturbating Smurfs.
- Have you noticed how the Conspiracy will suddenly announce
- in the media, that thanks to a huge study with endless funding
- that kept thousands of bureaucrats and sociologists busy, they
- can proudly announce this incredible new discovery, and it turns
- out to be some UTTERLY pointless thing that, moreover, ANY DUMB-
- ASS could already have told you was common sense? And remember
- how BURNED-UP you got, to think that your hard earned tax money
- was being thrown willy-nilly at any gang of jargon-jabbering
- whiners with a self-invented "NEEDY CAUSE"??
- Don't you SEE?
- The Conspiracy encourages and publicizes only the most
- kooky, ridiculous, simple-minded, knee-jerk extremism, in order
- Of course, you can't blame the Con for taking advantage of a
- good thing. All those "special interests" are but the visible
- froth on the great heaving sea of "victims." Fashionable
- crybabyism, an orgy of denial of any responsibility for one's
- situation, especially denial of the fact that even within this
- society of co-dependant cross-victimization, IT ACTUALLY REMAINS
- DOG EAT DOG. It's who can out-victim who at this point. The
- Conspiracy sits back and laughs. It's babies squall and bleat
- and wet themselves.
- All these "Visualize World Peace" assholes, "love Warriors"
- and "neo-shamans"...If they can sit and visualize world harmony
- clearly enough, WHOO BOY, that's better than voting! BECAUSE
- it's MAGIC! The tree-hugging, crystal-head New Age loveburgers
- FORGET that going back to nature includes open ditch latrines in
- mid-summer, staphylococcus bacteria, plague-ridden rats and no
- antibiotics. THEY choose to DENY their FULL evolutionary
- heritage AS animals, or even as hunter-gatherers, which involves
- a lot more sweating and swearing and hurting and killing than
- they care to admit.
- I'm reaching out to the real minorities - individuals - who
- aren't weeping about oppression, because THEY HAVE NEVER LET
- sits around and blames one or two piddling aspects of the Con,
- As the years go by, it will become more obvious that "1984"
- already HAPPENED way back in 1953!!! ONE HAND has been jerking
- MANY PUPPETS. America, in some ways, is hardly any different
- than China. In China, you have to do what They want. In
- America, you can do whatever you want - as long as you want what
- They want.
- Firebirds and Camaros are what are termed "clonemobiles" -
- the cars of choice of one of the mainstream types of Pinks. The
- cars look exactly alike, and the people who drive them are
- exactly alike. They all listen to the same radio station, no
- matter what part of the country they're in, because even if the
- call letters are different, it's still the same radio station.
- The DJ's all tell the same jokes, at the same time of day, and
- it's always Real Rock Radio, and the same songs are always
- playing simultaneously in every nook and cranny of the nation.
- It's the Rise of the Mediocretins. Everything looks just
- like it does on TV. Every city is the same city now, spores of
- one gigantic spreading amoebic "mall" that will someday cover the
- globe like an endless antbed. From any given downtown, you drive
- for hours past the identical mini-malls, Pizza-Huts, apartment
- complexes and housing developments in endless repetition. This
- used to be considered dystopian science fiction. Now that it's
- here, we think it's perfectly normal. Small towns, once
- different, now all have the Whataburger, the Burger King, the
- mall, the Cinema-Octoplex...while everything that made them
- unique or "quaint" locales is swallowed by THE DEVOURING
- If you can step away from your numbness long enough to
- really look around you...does what you see excite you? Does it
- give you Freedom? Does it do anything for you but prolong the
- numbness? "Oh, it's ok," you say, "Everything is okay. In fact,
- I don't like things that are more than okay, because then it
- makes me think that there might be things that are less than
- okay. As long as everything is okay, that's good enough! You
- can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't make waves. Okay?
- We're free enough - we can indulge in the properly ritualized
- "bad" behavior, like going to the lake, watching the game,
- getting real drunk and beating our dogs, that's understood - we
- all do that. Now, going to the lake and launching heads,
- chanting, getting naked, stoked to the max, performing beating
- rituals with each other's dogs. NO WAY!!!" And it's okay to
- sublimate our sexual drives into things like despoiling the
- landscape at the expense of health and future just for money,
- because the only thing that gives our tired, twisted old nervous
- systems a thrill is the thought that we can buy MORE THINGS.
- There are degrees of aliveness. You can be not only stupid,
- but 90% DEAD, and still hold down a Conspiracy 9-to-5 job. Your
- body keeps clocking in, functioning on 10% of your life essence,
- while the Con gets the rest. YOU MORON...They've got you
- thinking it's perfectly natural to "work" for a "living!!" What
- you WANT to do is real work, something useful and fulfilling -
- nothing wrong with that - but what you HAVE to do is slavery. No
- matter what They're paying, you're selling TOO CHEAP.
- In the Middle Ages, they called it The Obscene Kiss; kissing
- Satan's bum was the way a sorcerer was initiated. Today, we have
- corporate-style butt-kissing...bestowing that submissive kiss
- upon the posterior of the Chief Executive Devil and his minions.
- Mark my words - it will be our doom! Our little terrarium
- Earth is turning into a toxic toilet controlled by dim-wits. Day
- after day slips by, time you could have invested in doing
- something truly useful while having a good time, but instead sold
- out cheap to The Conspiracy - like a SUCKER! Years out of YOUR
- LIFE, with nothing to show for them but lots of paid household
- BACK...you'll just get older and older, and develop more chronic
- aches, pains and regrets. And when you die, the Con at large
- will just say, "Well there's plenty more where that one came
- from."
- Pessimistic? Hell, I'm so pessimistic I'm afraid most of my
- most PESSIMISTIC PREDICTIONS will turn out to have been
- IDIOTICALLY OPTIMISTIC. A little pessimism and paranoia never
- hurt anybody. But the Pinks and Yups and Nuzis and Yinkies have
- been employing Positive Thinking and suchlike namby-pamby mama's
- boy stuff for the last 20,000 years, and things just keep getting
- worse FASTER. Yet, through the magic of Positive Thinking, THEY
- It may be too late to stop being optimistic - but it's never
- too late to start being bitterly pessimistic.
- Remember, things could be much, much worse. That's the
- consolation. You could SUDDENLY, ONE MINUTE FROM NOW, be
- screaming in unimaginable pain, half burned to death and trapped
- inside the white-hot twisted metal and broken glass and charred
- wood of wherever you are when IT happens...
- ...or you could be lying on parched ground with bones so
- brittle from malnutrition, and a brain so ruined by disease, that
- ALL LIFE for you has become that one dry, vermin-ridden grain of
- rice at the end of your tongue...
- ...or you could be rich but afflicted with something caused
- by your own lifestyle that bites deeper into you, but ever so
- slowly, so that you never stop thinking of killing
- yourself...("Then they'd be sorry.")
- ...or you could be so wrapped up in your job that you
- haven't noticed that you've gone crazy, that you've only been
- hypnotised into thinking that "everything's okay," but actually
- there is starvation and misery all around that will catch up with
- you sooner or later...
- But that hasn't happened yet, so in the meantime, WHO
- CARES??!!! - as long as the power plants still run, and we can
- televise ritual yearly Earth Days, where the liberals
- congratulate themselves for being liberals, and the conservatives
- congratulate themselves for fooling the liberals, and the ones
- in-between are ground into dog food.
- -30-